Welcome to Our Congregation

We Come to the World for Serving & Sharing

Welcome to Arlington Evangelical Congregational Church (AECC).

At AECC, we are a fellowship of people, a family, dedicated to the purpose of knowing God and making Him known.

We invite you to get to know us.  We’re not perfect people, but we are people who come together to help each other through this journey we call life.  We’re grateful for God’s graciousness to us through His Son, Jesus.  We strive to live our lives in a way that will please and honor Him.  It is an exciting journey and we’d love to have you join us!

Our Program Times

Experience God’s Presence

9:00 am – Children’s Ministry
9:00 am – Adult Small Groups
10:15 am – Worship
2:00 pm – Prayer Ministry
The THIRD Thursday of Every Month
6:00 pm to 9:00 pm- The Believers of Friendly Fun (The BFF)
Other (Various Times/Locations)
Marriage Small Group (meets twice a year in spring and fall; spontaneous get-togethers may happen at times too), plus there are other various groups that meet sometimes (like crochet,  and Soul Sisters), and Women’s Bible Study meets on the third Tuesday of every month (please contact us for more details)

Authority of Scripture

All of our values and guiding principles must be rooted in the Scriptures.

Personal and Corporate Prayer

God calls us to intercession because our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against spiritual forces.

Reaching the Lost

We are here to reach our community for Christ and to build mature disciples.

Influencing Community Values

We are to be salt and light in a world filled with darkness and should influence our society to follow Biblical values.

Loving and Encouraging People

We are called to love and care for others as a testimony that we are followers of Christ.

Ministry Involvement

Every believer is given spiritual gifts through the Holy Spirit for the purpose of ministering to others.

Personal Holiness

Believers are called to a lifestyle of righteousness and purity that models the qualities of Christ.

What We Believe

Our Mission is to Love God, Love Others, Serve Others, Reach Others.

Statement of Faith

We believe the Bible to be our final authority for faith and Christian living.

Our Pastor

Reverend Doug Evans has been serving in Christian ministry since 1986.

Become a Christian

Many people have no idea what the purpose of life is really all about.

Reaching Those in Need with Love

We strive to live our lives in a way that will please and honor Him. Our goal is to love God, love others, serve others and reach others. We need your help to reach those in need.

Make a Contribution

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News & Events

Join a Community of Understanding

Whoever calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved.

Romans 10:13

Proclaim Your Testimony

Just as life is unique, our encounters and journey with God is equally unique. We would love to hear your testimony.